Heyyy - I'm Genevieve!


If you met me five years ago - you'd be meeting a completely different person.

I was a shopaholic, making my debt worse with every paycheck. I had anxiety that left my hands and feet sweating constantly. I was lost in my own little world trying to figure out life, feeling sorry for myself and envious of anyone living the kind of life I wanted but didn't think I could get. 

All I wanted my entire life was to make an Impact - but the debt, lack of time and constant stress were holding me back, making me feel like that dream would never come true.

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Until one day, I knew I needed to change or I was going to be in debt for the rest of my life and become a stressed out hoarder who never made a difference.

Slowly but surely, I began making changes - getting clear on my values and my WHY, paying off my debts, embracing Minimalism and Low-Waste Living, learning more about the environment and how I could help heal & repair it, realizing that I didn't have to spend my life doing ONE thing but that I could do many things all in the name of creating GOOD in this world.

See, I believe in embracing who we are - every messy, beautiful & unique "Hodge Podge" part because it's only in truly owning who we are that we can discover our particular brand of Goodness we are meant to create in this world. 

I had to go through that very messy season so that I could learn how to get out of it and help others do the same. That's why I created The Podge Co. - so that anyone could come and learn more about who they are, how they're wired, how to take control of their time and money, how to embrace every part of who they are and learn how to start doing the good in the world that they were always meant to do.

I'm grateful for my path. I'm grateful for the debt, for the anxiety and the self-doubt. It made me who I am today and it brought me here, to you. The last five years have been the best years of my life and I am SO excited to see what the next have in store!

Some Things I've been able to do in the last 5 years...

  • Reduce our waste by more than 85%.

  • Get rid of 80% of our stuff.

  • Put over $82,000 towards our debt.

  • Cash Flow our wedding, car repairs, hospital bills & more.

  • Travel to Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Cities around the US.

  • Start my Coaching Business, The Classy Hippie.

  • Begin my Educational Collective, The Podge Co.

...And Those Are Just Some Of The Highlights!

Getting clear on the kind of life I wanted and embracing Minimalism & Low-Waste has completely changed my life! I've been able to make HUGE lasting progress towards my goals like getting out of debt and overcoming my anxiety. I've had the time and money to take on side projects, travel and volunteer with organizations and movements I really care about - and all of this change started to happen when I decided to take control of my life - when I decided to be intentional about designing the life of Impact, Meaning & Peace I desired. 

I've always wanted to make an impact in this world and now, I finally feel that I am. I'm better than I've ever been and I'm SO passionate about helping others uncover this kind of freedom and peace in their own lives! 

If I can do this - you can do this too! You can take control and design the kind of life you've always wanted and I'd LOVE to come alongside you in your journey and help in any way that I can! Reach out and say Hello - I can't wait to meet you!