What's a Do-Gooder?

Goody-Goody. Goody-Two-Shoes. Do-Gooder. 

While some have used this as an insult, we think of it as HIGH PRAISE!

Thanks Chels! ...but, only a little?!

Thanks Chels! ...but, only a little?!

We partner, live, thrive, create and work with the Mission-Minded, Earth-Loving, People-Focused, Joy-Boosting Do-Gooders of the World!

We WANT to Do Good, Be the Good, All the Good!

Around here, Do-Gooder is our favorite word, but sometimes it can be a tad broad and vague, so we're gonna lay out exactly what we mean when we say Do-Gooder, right here.

Break [it] down. Go ahead and give it to me...

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Mission-Minded ++

These folks right here - TOTAL gems. This group of Do-Gooders is probably who you picture when you think 'Do-Gooder.' These are the individuals, brands + businesses that use their skills, products, services, etc. to create good - either literally or by using a portion of their profits to donate to a worthwhile cause.

Thinx is a perfect example. For each pair of underwear purchased, they give a pack of reusable pads [AFRIpads] to a girl in the developing world so that she doesn't have to miss school due to her period and can continue on in her education. Learn more about them HERE>>

A21 is another example of a Mission-Minded organization. They exist to end human trafficking in the 21st century. Everything that they do, create & sell is in service to that mission! Learn more about them HERE>>

How THE PODGE CO. is Mission Minded ++

Currently, we give 10% of everything that comes in [off the top] to causes and organizations we believe in and that are doing great work in the world. Our focus is on Education, the Environment and basic Human Needs. 

Our first donation, even before our launch, was to the League of Conservation Voters - an organization who works to turn environmental values into national, state and local priorities. Learn more about them HERE>>

We're looking forward to donating to 1% For The Planet, Urban Ministry Center, A21 and other organizations along the way. We believe it's up to businesses to lead the way in making the change!

Earth-Loving ++

Where are all the hippies at?!

Earth-Loving Do-Gooders are committed to sustainable, environmental business practices. Their product or service itself is dedicated to using organic, local, fair-trade or sustainable materials and resources. They're also committed to environmental advocacy and teaching others ways to reduce their environmental footprint.

1% For The Planet is an example of an Earth-Loving organization. They connect businesses, individuals and non-profits together to help create partnerships that protect our planet. You can get involved by pledging to contribute 1% of your income to protecting our planet. [TBH 1% is not that much, but it's still kinda scary to commit to. We'll let you know when we take the 1% pledge!] Learn more about them HERE>>

Fillaree is another, somewhat local to us, example of an Earth-Loving company. Their mission is to reduce household plastic waste through refill. Reduce, Reuse & REFILL with their handmade line of essential liquid refillable goods. Learn more about their mission & product HERE>>

How THE PODGE CO. is Earth-Loving ++

At THE PODGE CO. we are committed to becoming more environmentally friendly with each day. We've adopted the Zero Waste lifestyle, use day-lighting as our source of light in the studio, do as much digital work as possible over print, use recycled cotton treeless business cards as needed, give to Environmental Organizations, support other Earth-Loving businesses and teach Workshops on How-To Reduce your Waste. 

Loving People & Loving the Planet HAVE to be linked. How can you love the Earth if you do not love all that are within it? How can you love people if you do not take care of the land they live on, the water they drink, the air they breathe, the food they eat? You can't. It's a two-way street.

Stay tuned for more posts on the various Zero Waste & Eco-Friendly changes we've made, as well as the environmental goals we plan on implementing and achieving! We're just getting started. 

People-Focused ++

This group of Do-Gooders is on a mission to help people become the best version of themselves through coaching, teaching, mentoring, etc. Think Life Coaches, Physical Therapists, Yoga Instructors, Minimalist Mentors, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers, etc. This group is heavily focused on the Health & Wellness of the individual. 

Alisa Vitti of FloLiving would definitely qualify as a People-Focused Do-Gooder. She helps women understand the four phases of their cycle and helps them to achieve optimal health through synching with their body's natural rhythms. #CycleSynching is all about adopting the right foods, method of cooking, fitness and behavioral activities that fit with each phase of a woman's cycle. Learn more about Alisa, FloLiving & Cycle Synching HERE>>

The Good Life Project is another example of a People-Focused Organization + Mission. Jonathan Fields, the Founder, has created an amazing space for people to connect, learn, grow and pursue what it means to live a good life to them. His podcast has inspired thousands, if not more, including our Founder, to pursue a creative & meaningful life. Learn More about GLP HERE>>

How THE PODGE CO. is People-Focused ++

We are committed to helping people become the best version of themselves! We do this through content we write, create & share as well as offering group and individual workshops related to living a more meaningful & freer life.

In the Fall of 2017, we're launching our In-Home sessions to take our Minimalist + Simple Living workshops up a few notches. These sessions will take a custom, deep-dive into your exact situation and teach you tools like Decluttering, Core Value work, Budgeting and more to help you live the life you want!

Check out our current Workshops HERE>>

Be the first to know when our In-Home sessions will be available by subscribing to our newsletter, The Overlap, HERE>>

Joy-Boosting ++

Ah. This group is probably the most undervalued of all the Do-Gooders because the good they do in the world is often not seen as GOOD but rather as frivolous or unnecessary. We could not disagree with that more! This world needs all the whimsy it can get - that's what brings the HAPPY!

Joy-Boosting Do-Gooders are individuals + businesses dedicated to celebrating the best moments in our lives, encouraging us to see the silver lining in our situation, creating beauty & magic in this world, supplying us with goodies when it's time to Treat Yo 'Self and just overall merriment. These can include Florists, Event Planners, Craft-Brewers, Print-Makers, Artisans, Musicians & more! 

Lindsey Plevyak is 100% a Joy-Boosting Do-Gooder! She works as a Photographer and helps individuals, brands, businesses + organizations by providing them with custom branded content and imagery. She and her work are breathtaking! She brings complete Joy everywhere she goes! She also took all of our photos - so we're a bit biased. Learn more about her HERE>>

Tom Petty - not only our muse - but also a total Joy-Boosting Do-Gooder! Yeah, we went there. His long-time career and musical gift he's been giving to us for so long, charitable work and overall happy demeanor are what make him a Do-Gooder in our book. He was honored this year as Musicares person of the year! Read what they had to say HERE>>

How THE PODGE CO. is Joy-Boosting ++

Folks. We are BIG fans of the woo-woo & the whimsy! We always want to do our part in spreading Joy, Whimsy & LIFE into this world! We do this by keeping it real & relatable in the content we share. We don't EVER want to get overly preachy or self-righteous when it comes to making positive change, because that's not very inspiring!

We recognize that no-one is perfect and we all work SO hard, so a marg from time to time is not going to hurt anyone! Celebrating our wins and the big moments in life are CRUCIAL to keeping us all going and inspiring more to jump on board with this whole - seeking a better life & world thing! 

We absolutely encourage doing random, spontaneous things just for the fun of it - and honestly, we are planning to incorporate a lot more of that into how we do business & life - stay tuned! 

Whooooo! Did you read that whole thing?!? THANK YOU! Your time is valuable to us and we SO appreciate you reading & following along with us! 

Do-Gooders are our people. They are the Hodge to our Podge and they are why we exist!

So if you didn't know what a Do-Gooder was - now you know. [Tried to make that a Biggie reference, don't think it worked out so well...meh.]

Stay connected with us by joining The Overlap HERE>> and follow us on Instagram HERE>>

Are you a Do-Gooder?! We'd love to hear all about how you're creating positive change in your community and world! Please share below in the comments!